
Oh yes. More like 20 :).

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Emily! So excited to have found your substack. I dove in deep and have been reading through all of your newsletters. Question for you! I'm easily swayed to spend too much money on exceptional ingredients online if they're really worth it. This Pump Street chocolate sounds amazing. Is it worth ordering a ton? Are you a chocolate freak like me who goes through at least a bar a week? Is there any way to buy it in bulk?

I will patiently await your response before placing my order, xoxo.

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Hi Vilda! Thank you so much for reading!! I'm also swayed by spending too much money on good ingredients. Pump Street isn't cheap but I do think it's so special. I do think there are multiple brands out there that match up that are under 100%, but I think the 100% really is the best. If you're looking for, say, 85% or 90%, I think you can find less expensive brands. (Have you tried Moire?! It's DELICIOUS.) And yes. I'm a chocolate freak and I go through more like a bar every two days :).

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Love this. So shoot me straight - do you buy like 10 bars of Pump Street at a time to hack the free shipping? I'm almost convinced that's the move ;)

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